Sunday, January 22, 2012


We've been house-bound for days. First it simply snowed. Then came the "storm". Then the ice. On Facebook, I read that Tacoma called it a "state of emergency." Though we lost power for a few hours one morning, the only real emergency here was that the satellite cable didn't work.

Almost everyone I meet asks me how I'm dealing with the weather. I love it. It reminds me of growing up in New York. It reminds me of my twenties in Chicago. It reminds me of life.

I continue to be surprised by how much of myself is reawakening in the cold and dark. In a strange reversal, I feel as if I'm thawing out. I like walking in snow, I like stomping through slush, I like feeling the sting of sleet on my face and my nose freezing when I'm outside. I enjoyed it back when I used to visit Utah during Sundance, but this is different. I'm not on some wild trip, I'm at home and I feel home.

I keep wanting to start projects and make grand plans, but something deeper (my cards, my intuition, my friends) keeps telling me to wait and see. Apparently, this period of time is not about commitments, it's about feeling our way around, finding out who we are and what we need in this new environment.

I keep trying to fix the problems I had in California. Not that I don't or won't have problems here, but they're different Washingtonian-I-live-with-my-Mom-now problems. An entirely different kettle of fish.

So for now, I'll just continue feeling and paying attention and taking notes and letting this new life guide us.

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